古人說:「工欲善其事, 必先利其器」 這句話一直是大家耳熟能詳的,
今年, 將要踏上別人國家的國土去追求知識, 不能少的, 當然是一台可以陪我全天候備戰的"戰鬥機" - VAIO SZ
說到這裡, 一些"Pro"的玩家可能會不以為然, 但會選擇這一台, 可以說是有緣故的...

在還沒有說明緣故之前, 先來說說"歷史"吧~
提到我使用PC的歷史, 可說是很早很早的時候開始...

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一般而言, 這一天會非常忙碌, 反常地, Denny's House顯得悠閒... 或許這也是一個好吧, in some ways~~

下午茶時間過後, 來了一對夫妻, 來自Ukraine (烏克蘭), 住在首都the city of Kiev (Kyiv)
老公在交通大學任教, 教物理學的, 已經教了五年, 老婆則沒有問她; 他們已經住在新竹十年了...

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Below is the recommended timetable for applying to universities in the United States. It is sometimes possible to complete the process more quickly, but you may have a much more limited choice of schools. Planning ahead gives you sufficient time to make successful applications to the universities of your choice.

12 TO 18 MONTHS PRIOR to the academic year in which you hope to enroll, begin to consider, research, and do the following:

  • What are your reasons for wanting to study in the United States?
  • Which universities offer your subject and specialization?
  • Will you need financial assistance?
  • Begin narrowing down your choices of schools to approximately 10 to 20 institutions, and make sure they meet your academic, financial, lifestyle, and other needs.
  • Find out application deadlines. This will affect when you take the standardized tests required for admission since test results must reach admissions offices
    no later than these deadlines. The tests should be taken in advance of submitting university application forms.
  • Register to take paper-based GRE Subject Tests if required by the universities to which you are applying.

12 MONTHS PRIOR to enrollment, start to complete the following (months indicated are estimates):


  • Continue narrowing down your choice of schools.  While some students apply to more, 5 to 10 well-researched choices are sufficient.
  • Contact universities for application and financial aid forms and catalogs.
  • Register to take the TOEFL and the GRE General Test, GRE Writing Assessment, GMAT, or other admissions tests, as necessary

September – December

  • Continue narrowing down your choice of schools.  While some students apply to more, 5 to 10 well-researched choices are sufficient.
  • Request official transcripts from your undergraduate institution.
  • Brief your recommenders and request letters of reference from them.
  • Draft personal statements or statements of purpose and research proposals, if requested.
  • Submit completed application forms (for admission as well as financial aid).
  • Double check that transcripts and references have been sent.
  • Take the necessary admissions tests.

January – March

  • University application deadlines must be met.

April – June

  • Letters of acceptance or rejection arrive. Decide which university to attend, notify the admissions office of your decision, complete and return any forms they require.
  • Send letters of regret to those universities you turn down.
  • Organize finances (arrange to transfer funds to a U.S. bank; make sure you have funds for travel and expenses on arrival).
  • Finalize arrangements for housing and medical insurance with your university.
  • Notify any sponsoring organizations of your plans.

June – August

  • Use information from your Form I-20 or DS-2019 to fill out the SEVIS Form I-901 and pay the $100 required SEVIS fee (see SEVIS information for description of SEVIS form and fee).
  • Upon receipt of your I-20 and SEVIS I-901 payment receipt, apply to your nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for a visa. This should be as far in advance of your departure date as possible (see "Visas").
  • Contact your nearest EducationUSA information and advising center to let them know that you have been accepted to a U.S. institution.
  • Make travel arrangements, planning to arrive in time for the university's orientation program.
  • Contact the International Student Office at your university with details of your arrival plans, and confirm details of any orientation for new students held by the university.

Getting Ready to Go
Once you know that you are going to study in the United States, you will probably have many questions about visas, accommodations, health insurance, banking, how to study, and other "predeparture" information. Most EducationUSA information and advising centers conduct predeparture orientation presentations in the summer, and some may also offer sessions midyear. Contact your nearest center for their schedule and to reserve space for these popular events. Some centers may charge a fee for this service.

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這一篇文章與MBA無關, 而是與Monterey Institute of International Studies, 我未來即將要進入的學校有關係
從前並不經常思考過有關於社會服務的事情, 往往都是先以利益為主要考量, 自從今天十月去了一趟新加坡, 參加了由RoyolAct所主辦的老人關懷活動之後, 發現這樣的活動真的帶給人更多的熱情.
這樣的結果令我意外, 也激發我渴望參加相關活動...

這一篇新聞算是提供給未來MATESOL的學生一個方向, 未來在求學過程中, 也可以考慮一下囉~~

原文網址: http://www.thecalifornian.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071120/NEWS01/711200322/1002
Article published Nov 20, 2007

SOLEDAD - A regional program formed to help bridge the language barrier for many Monterey County migrant women and young people was unveiled Monday in Soledad.

About 40 people attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Soledad Life Academy, a joint-effort, multi-agency project at the Center for Employment Training, 930 Los Coches Drive.

The academy offers English as a second language, preparation courses for a high-school diploma equivalency exam, and vocational and life skills classes.

"There's a need here, because we have a lot of women who don't speak English and need jobs," said Director Jacobo Ruelas.

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        雖然沒有數字證明, 到底台灣(或者其他國家)每年出國的人數中, 有多少人是經由代辦, 又有多少人是自行申請學校的? 但是感覺上, 自行申請的(學生)似乎不多.  而我以及我內人, 則是這感覺上少數的其中之二.
        申請過程中, 除了找尋學校資料之外, 另一件重要的事情就是探索自己心中的理想, 以及自己所缺乏的; 若是申請MBA, 更要不斷地"鞏固"心中留學的理由以及目的, 求學中的研究目標, 當然, 還有未來的職涯計畫...  當談到職涯計畫, 其中一個靈感來源則是一些前輩所留下的訓言或者好文章中的警惕...

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以下除國立台中圖書館的講座之外,非會員參加座談會將酌收50元贊助金,會員則完全免費,請記得攜帶會員卡,由於座位有限,請同學儘早預約。預約請上網 www.uscampus.com.tw  或 按這裡



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截至今年(2007)為止, 全球主權基金規模大約為2.2兆美元,  已經遠超過國際私募基金的0.7~1.1兆美元, 這聽起來就已經非常可怕
更何況10年後, 若是主權基金擴張到13兆, 占全球金融資產5%的時候, 當時的情況, 可就更令人感到恐懼...

尤其當大家擔心有些國家像是中國以及沙烏地阿拉伯...等(新聞來源: RTT News) 主權基金的主權運作並不透明的情況之下, 若該國家發動惡意併購時, 是否有機會防範? 還是市場機制, 將會自然地阻止這樣的情形發生?

說回到台灣, 撇開「陰謀論」不談, 從維基百科中得知, 原來台灣也有類似SWF功能的基金 - 國家安全基金,
只不過根據報導, 央行總裁彭淮南表示「... 我們不是國際貨幣基金(IMF)的成員, 基於風險考量, 我們需要較多外匯存底規模, 因此不適宜成立主權基金。」
因此, 看起來在維基百科上管理員對於「國安基金」的認知, 與實際情況上有些不同...

總之, 至少要知道現在Top 7的主權基金是哪些吧
也至少要知道如果國際間無法有效控管主權基金, 似乎將會有危機產生...

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文章來源: http://goabroad.sohu.com/


學費上漲 熱情依舊










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《經理人月刊》10月號 (主題學習/修練1:適應多元文化 友訊科技總經理廖志誠:透過他人完成工作,培養「跨出去」的能力) 撰文 / 劉揚銘

      ※ 和外國人交換名片時,一定要先問「How do I say your name?」等對方說完後,跟著對方念一次,「他馬上就能感受到你的尊重,千萬不要看到名片就反射性的稱呼對方,如果念錯,別人會感覺受到侮辱。」
      ※  「德國人非常守法,要說服他們,必須遵循他們的邏輯,絕不能創造一個新的邏輯,回信給他們,絕對不能自己覺得把前因後果講清楚就好,要針對每一點進行答覆,才有辦法說服對方。」

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沒有直屬的學長, 以及沒有出身自MBA直屬主管的我
對於MBA的了解, 除了從其他人的口中得知之外, 大部分都是從網路, 或者一些文章中獲得的...

這一門通才, 雖然不能保證成功...
但在MBA課程的多樣性, 以及務實的人際關係養成課程的加分之下
已經讓這門科學增加了更多的誘因, 在職場上, 也能提供扎實的軟性技能訓練...

2007年9月 Cheers 雜誌

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What do entrepreneurs do?

  Entrepreneurs have many options: they can be business owners and managers, venture capitalists, or small business consultants. In addition, some become intrapreneurs within established companies.

What is intrapreneurship?

  Intrapreneurs work within corporations to develop new products, increase innovation, and build employee morale. Intrapreneurship appeals to some because it allows them to pursue creative business ideas with the support of a large company’s resources.

What degree options are available in this area?

  Some schools offer undergraduate degrees in Entrepreneurship. In addition, graduate students can earn an MBA with an entrepreneurship concentration.

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1014 星期日 11:30-16:30



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