從前並不經常思考過有關於社會服務的事情, 往往都是先以利益為主要考量, 自從今天十月去了一趟新加坡, 參加了由RoyolAct所主辦的老人關懷活動之後, 發現這樣的活動真的帶給人更多的熱情.
這樣的結果令我意外, 也激發我渴望參加相關活動...
這一篇新聞算是提供給未來MATESOL的學生一個方向, 未來在求學過程中, 也可以考慮一下囉~~
原文網址: http://www.thecalifornian.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071120/NEWS01/711200322/1002
Article published Nov 20, 2007
SOLEDAD - A regional program formed to help bridge the language barrier for many Monterey County migrant women and young people was unveiled Monday in Soledad.
About 40 people attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Soledad Life Academy, a joint-effort, multi-agency project at the Center for Employment Training, 930 Los Coches Drive.
The academy offers English as a second language, preparation courses for a high-school diploma equivalency exam, and vocational and life skills classes.
"There's a need here, because we have a lot of women who don't speak English and need jobs," said Director Jacobo Ruelas.