確定要念的學校到出國前仍有近四個半月的空檔, 經過媽媽以及太太的建議, 我決定去外貿協會(International Trade Institute)的國際人才培育中心參加該中心所提供的商務英語班. 由於該短期課程需要人數達到一定人數後才會開課, 再加上每一班以12人為上限, 故最後我選擇了「Meetings」以及「Business English IV」兩門課.


        老師是Helen Holleman, 上課時主要以會議的8個要點為主, 每次課程都會有一次模擬的會議, 會議過程中會安排每一個人不同的工作, 有的人是chairman, 負責主持會議; 有的人是role-play的角色, 負責參與會議以及發言; 有的人是observers, 負責觀察每一位成員是否有達成會議參與的要點...
整個課程是漸入佳境, 課程結束之後, 每一位成員都可以在適當的時機發表個人意見~ 當然我也不例外, 自己也提升了一些自信心~

Strong Points
        I noticed a definite improvement in fluency and accuracy during the course.  You are obviously highly motivated and that makes a big difference.  Your English ability suggests that you often think in English without having to translate.  Thats a VERY important milestone!

Areas for Improvement
       In the next six weeks, try to read as much English as often as you can.  Listening to English will also be very helpful.  Good luck in the States!

「Business English IV」

老師是Charlie Warth, 參考Oxford BEC教材的Vantage程度內容來上課, 老師授課的方式有些中規中矩, 不過, 補充的字彙以及Common errors蠻實用的, 而且Charlie非常喜歡說笑話, 所以上課的過程中並不會感覺到無趣; 我個人認為, "聽" "讀" "寫" 是本課程較著重的部分(雖然"說"原則上也是), 尤其是Charlie會要求學生寫文章, 並且不但會correct你的writing之外, 還會給你一些comment, 算是不錯的練習~ 

Strong Points
        He settled int the group very quickly.  He hs a good knowledge of English and is always willing to ask questions and give opinions.

Areas for Improvement
       Sometimes I feel he does not have as mch confidence in his ability as he should have.  I hope he can continue to develop the English skills he already possesses.

結語: 我個人比較喜歡學習方法上的變化, 當然, 如果遇到好的學習環境, 我自然會盡可能多花些時間在上面~ 如果可以, 我願意多花一些時間在ITI所開的課程上~ 不過, 時間上不允許, 只好做了一些捨棄囉!  前述的語氣, 應該可以知道我是否推薦在ITI上課了吧!  最後, 還要感謝Holleman的推薦, 讓我認識Toastmasters Club, 我可以體會到, 永遠不要覺得自己對於學習語文上已經付出很多了! 如果對於Toastmasters Club有興趣, 不彷按這裏來看看更詳細的經驗喔~

School website: http://www.iti.org.tw/Introduce_iti_BusinessSpecial.asp?cls_rfnbr=3&div_rfnbr=2

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